Aura and Chakra diagnosis

This is a full mediumship reading that I provide. In the reading I will observe the colours that are present in your aura. From this insight I will  give you a personal reading of your life force of that moment. I will also be able to see if there is an imbalance with its vibration, which can be harmonised to help to establish a greater harmony of the physical body, spirit and Soul vibrations.

I will also observe your chakra’s in order to see if there is any over or under activity taking place within each one, which may be having a strong affect on your life. Through this diagnosis I will advise you on how to  create and hold a stronger positive life force.

If you are suffering from pain or other physical problems that  have not been diagnosed by traditional methods, I may be able to give you insight and advice in this area. For example some forms of pain – although felt in the physical body – do not have a physical source. The pain could emanate from the Etheric body, which  is felt on a physical level. Such injuries have a possibility to be healed.

This consultation is an excellent opportunity for you to receive some advice in relation to all aspects of life, such as your relationships with others. I also give consultation for couples.

To make an appointment with Ralph please see contact details.




