The Future

The future is one of the greatest mysteries that humanity has tried to understand and control. And yet the Universal energy that the future holds is, I believe, the least understood. Everyone that walks and breathes on Earth is inevitably connected to the future in some form, as everyone is with the past and present, but what is the purpose or meaning of the future if it has not yet happened, and how does it serve us?

It has been said that the future is not a reality. If this is true, then why do so many individuals and groups fear the future? Have you ever tried to look into the future or even predict it? To a large degree the global economy is based on futuristic speculation, as seen with the birth and enactment of the stock market and insurance conglomerates.

If you were to look at the future from a logical or 3D – dimensional consciousness – point of view, you may lose your sense of presence – of being in the now. You may often have feared what you did not see or understand. This is your logic not trusting the self. Then  fear can step in to control your next step, which is a main motivating factor for you to try and make the future right or safe. Many put a lot of energy into this area of their lives. Such motivation is often based upon past, negative experiences, which then have a strong effect upon the choices you make. It is here that you will find that your choices are often fear-based. Whenever fear is present, trust is not. You may have become lost in your past happenings or future possibilities and sometimes both at the same time, which means that you are seldom being present.

Through the ages, there have been people who have quite accurately predicted future events or happenings. Michel de Nostradamus (1503–1566) is one such person, famous for his prophecies. But did we believe him or, more to the point, what could anyone have done about it if we did? It is indeed a precarious path to follow. Many have come into difficulty by listening to futuristic prophecies. I recall at certain times in my life – during the 60’s and 70’s – people were claiming that the end of the world was coming, be it today, tomorrow or next week. Some who believed those predictions to be true took their own lives. So why is it that individuals go to fortune tellers or mediums to seek future guidance? Fear must be present, not faith. With my understanding, no one person can know exactly what the future may hold, nor should they be advising others in such matters. The future is to be experienced in every living moment. If you are fully present, then fear and control are not.

The Past, Present and Future all follow the path of physical linear time. They interact to give us a point of focus to understand the meaning of being present. But what really decides your future? Do you know that you are not directly fixed to time; time has been created as a means to give structure and direction for us to use correctly. There is one interesting fact about time: it takes care of itself – so why chase it? No matter how hard you try, you will never catch up with the past because it has gone by and served its purpose, whatever that may have been. This is also true of the future, it has not yet happened so how can it be lived or realised?

The realisation of the Present can only be obtained from one moment to the next, which is where the vibration of love is felt. If you were to look for love outside of yourself, it would not be realised, simply because the search would be futuristic. Love is vibration, a realisation from one moment to the next. It is an energy that you may hold with each breath you take.

The choices that you make determine what you create and attract to you. And to a great degree the world that we all find ourselves in today has been built upon those very choices. What you ask for, to a greater or lesser degree, determines what you receive, which is often not what you may have expected. This is because your expectation is brought about by a futuristic consciousness, which can never be a certainty. Absolute certainty is an illusion. Things happen, it is impossible for you or anyone else to control every event and happening. This for me is why expectations are a trap for disappointment, which often gives birth to what is referred to as failure.

The future is not for us to know, it is for us to accept and welcome with an open heart. If you fear the future it is because you are expecting the negative. This is an energy exchange between you and the universal consciousness. There are certain universal laws at work in all that you do.  The mirror effect is one such law that is present to help you recognise how a past wish or desire has gone before you into the future. Then that wish or desire manifested itself to bring you the message in the present moment. But why, what have you created or asked for that could have been either a negative or positive thought? For example when your choices are positive ones, what is there to fear – a positive happening? The opposite can also be true. Through negative thinking you fear what is to come – your futuristic fear that has been created by you.

You can actually enter the future from moment to moment with insight when you choose to accept. Acceptance takes you into the now, to be fully present. What comes to you must be right for your spiritual growth. There is always a message to be seen or understood with every experience you have. This is not how the logic would interpret the now. This is why I believe the future to be fearful for many, it represents the unknown! If you were to know everything that was to be, then we would stop growing spiritually, both as individuals and as a race. Life would come to a standstill; there would be no creativity, no incentive to take the next step forward. Everything would seem like a pre-planned event. Boredom would become the norm. Guaranteed outcomes, guaranteed results would take the colour out of life. You would lose your spontaneity and intuitional qualities. Everything would be prepared for us – no future, no flow of life and no spiritual growth. What then?

Within the unknown there are deep transformational forces at work. The ingredients of which may seem to be hidden and masked. In the unknown the future rests, it seeks to awaken the intuitional qualities that every living being has. This is where some of our deepest secrets are held.

To understand the nature of Darkness is to understand the Truth.
To be in the Truth you must be in the Light.
To walk in the Light you must be Present.
When you are Present you walk into the Future without fear.





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