To be present in the moment is one of the most fundamental things we can learn. The word “present” in the English language has different interpretations, but let me share two that come together as one. Whenever you would like to share or celebrate a moment with someone in a positive way, you may look to buy that person a gift, such as flowers or a book. This is often referred to as a present, which is a form of recognition for the other person, a caring action. But there is also another meaning. When you give a gift to someone, then all of your affections and feelings for that person can open up in that moment – the pre sent moment. When you give in this way, then you are truly being present in the present! Being present is for me a sacred point of contact to life itself, as it is only when you are present that you can experience the Universal values joy, love and peace. Do you analyse your situation and your options based on what is happening to you? Do you compare what you have experienced in the past and anticipate the future based on that? If the answers to these questions are yes, then you are using your logic to reason with life. To be present with yourself and within yourself is a way to avoid the logical left side of your brain from having total control over you. It is when the logic rules that it becomes unlikely that things will change as you continue to look on them as they always have happened before! Being mindful of the past has its value as long as you do not become lost in any thoughts or emotions that are related to it, and it is only when you are present in the moment that life can be experienced in fullness! You have a left and right hand. Your left hand is connected to the right side of your brain and vice-versa. Esoterically the left and right hands can be interpreted as the Yin and Yang. Another way to interpret the left and right sides of yourself from an energy point is to view them as the Male and Female forces that flow through you. Your male – right side – represents your power, and the female – left side – your creativity. The hands are powerful tools and I feel they are often taken for granted. They are great receivers as well as directors of energy. For example, you may raise your hand to stop someone from coming near, which carries a certain force, or you may invite them into our space by calling them in with our hand – the welcome. But what has all of this got to do with being in the present I hear you ask? Your hands are often the focus on being in the moment without you realising it. This is because your hands move and are instructed to do so on a subconscious level. Understanding how Universal forces and energies work can be a subconscious happening and not purely a conscious affair. For me this is so clear to see when the hands are used for Prayer. If you have ever prayed, you bring both hands together as one, the united force. This for me represents a unity of consciousness. There is no separation, only the oneness of the Self. In those moments of you uniting your hands, the whole Universal energy is brought down into one place – the Present! You are connecting with your higher consciousness through a conscious effort to fulfil your prayer. Both the male, the will to manifest, and the female – the creative force, are being polarised through the Higher Will of Soul contact. This creates the oneness that is often felt through the Joy, Peace and Love of being present on Mother Earth. Fear and control issues may prevent you from being present. You are either in the past or in the future, or both at the same time, whenever you are fearful of making a choice. You are everywhere – past and future – but not present! This is why it is so powerful to learn to be present when you hold fear. Your fears can not exist in the present moment! If this is difficult for you to believe in, try an experiment. Any time when you have fear, guilt, or other negative feelings, you can help bring yourself to the present moment by using your breath. Concentrate on your breathing and follow it through your body by breathing in and breathing out in a peaceful way. In this way you are make a focussed effort to be fully present. After a period of time, you will find yourself centred and present in the moment. You may be able to hold this presence for a short while, but you will probably lose it and wonder off to the past or future. The length of time which you can hold your presence will increase with practice as you become more consciously aware of your thoughts. Did you find yourself more relaxed and at peace when you focused on your breathing to be present? You may even begin to feel a kind of happiness inside. You have captured what it is like when you learn to be present! What a treasure you have that is ready to be uncovered. The treasure of joy, peace and love! To sum up what being present means in a few words is to understand that the future becomes your reality in the now! Love can only be experienced in its fullest vibration when you are being present, in the now! This is because the vibration of Love is not of the logical third dimensional consciousness. The Love Ray holds a vibration of the 4th dimension and upwards. Therefore Love cannot be time orientated, which is why you cannot control, demand, buy, or indeed expect love from another person. These are all needs of the lower nature, not Love. The Universe does not fulfil your needs or desires, as they are chiefly emotionally based. Love can only be experienced from one moment to another. And each moment is like a lifetime! This is why learning the art of being present is of key importance to your health and wellbeing – the Love vibration is present. You can only ever be realised by being present. If not, then where are you? With my blessings of the present, Ralph

Being Present
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