Why is it so important to be aware of energies? Everything that is around you is energy. You are energy, so it’s natural for you to learn more about energies and how they affect you! One of the most powerful energy that you have is your thoughts. How many times have you thought positively today? How many times have you had a negative thought about something that happened today or someone else? Through learning how to direct your thoughts, you can become much clearer about what you attract into your life. Every thought you have influences not only your life but others in your environment to! Imagine having a very good feeling at the start of the day and you are really looking forward to this day. You do not know what will happen but you know that you can manage anything that comes your way. You are keen to learn new things and you do not hold fear of the unknown. You have a shining presence where ever you go because you have learned to be present, to live in the moment. You have access to your intuition and you are not easily affected by others around you who hold fear or are negative in their thoughts and actions. You are clear and positive which naturally touches others simply through your presence. Everyone around you will be up-lifted and you will feel their response. No words will be needed. When others take responsibility for their feelings, emotions and thoughts, then significant changes will take place in an environment. Greater harmony will be present! Are you prepared to take responsibility for yourself, your thoughts and feelings? If you are then greater peace will fill your life.

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